Fonn Villas Halloween Festivities

Fonn Villas will have two events for Halloween this year (all neighbors are welcome to participate in any and all festivities):

The annual FV Halloween costume parade will begin at Pebblebrook and Hallie at 5:30 P.M. on Halloween night. We will have an escort and music to parade the kids around the horseshoe prior to trick or treating. Thank you to Allison Marshall and Lexi Dunson for coordinating.

On the north side of the neighborhood at 5PM, there will be pizza and drinks served at the dead end on Hallie and Trail Hollow. Group pic to follow! Please contact Victoria Foster for more information on joining in the festivities on the north side of the neighborhood. 

Also, turn your porch lights on so trick-or-treaters know that you are participating in Trick-or-Treating. If you are not participating, turn your lights off to alert people to move on to the next house. Happy Halloween!


12/10: Santa is visiting Fonn Villas!


10/3: National Night Out