Stage Two Drought Watering Restrictions

Houston remains in a Stage Two Drought, which means that there are some restrictions on lawn watering to be mindful of. The Stage Two designation of the Drought Contingency Plan applies to the entire City, including systems that are supplied by groundwater only. Stage Two drought response imposes the following mandatory water use restrictions:

  • Limit outdoor watering to twice a week between the hours of 7PM and 5AM with the following schedule:

    • Sundays and Thursdays for single-family residential customers with even-numbered street addresses

    • Saturdays and Wednesdays for single-family residential customers with odd-numbered street addresses

    • Tuesdays and Fridays for all other customers

There are approximately 500 active water leaks occurring across Houston. Per COH District G Council Member Mary Nan Huffman's office, the city has ten emergency repair contracts in place to help address these breaks. COH District G's office advises that if you observe a water leak in progress, please report it to 3-1-1. Don’t assume that someone else has reported it already. Additionally, please let her office office know about it as well so that they can coordinate with the public works department to get these leaks in our district repaired expeditiously.
City of Houston District G Office can be reached at (832) 393-3007 or at

Information regarding the City of Houston Drought Contingency Plan can be found here.


Beltway 8 Construction


Labor Day Lunch at the Pool