July 4th Cookout!
The FVCA will host a lunch-time cookout on Tuesday, July 4th from 12:30PM until 3PM at the pool. Start planning which side dishes and desserts you're bringing to share with your neighbors! Good at grilling? Consider volunteering to take over the grill for a spell and cook up some goodness for your neighbors.
Movie Night at the pool is back!
This Saturday, May 27th. Movie starts at sunset and pool is open until 10:00.
Adult-Only Party at the Pool
We are resurrecting the tradition of having an adult only party to kick off the summer season at the pool. The party will be up at the pool on Saturday April 22nd at 6:30pm. There will be plenty of food, fun and music for everyone to enjoy! More details to come, but for now MARK YOUR CALENDAR and round up your babysitter!
2023 Fonn Villas Swim Team
Online Registration opens in March. Go to for additional information.
Splash Day - Join us at the Fonn Villas Pool from 12:30pm to 2:30pm on April 30th for Splash Day and Swimsuit fitting at Fonn Villas Pool for Swim Team.
Upcoming Positions for Board of Directors
The Fonn Villas Civic Association has 3 director positions to fill. Each member serves a three-year term. A nominating committee is currently being formed. If you would like to run for one of these positions, please prepare brief bio to be placed on the ballot and check back the last week of November for contact information for the nominating committee.
Holiday Pop-Up Fundraiser
Come for the raffle and shop local vendors at the 2nd Annual Fonn Villas Holiday Pop-Up event on Saturday, November 12th from 2-5 PM. Proceeds benefit pool improvements.
December Newsletter Deadline
Submissions for the November newsletter are due Wednesday, November 16th
November Newsletter Deadline
Submissions for the November newsletter are due Wednesday, October 19th